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HY Epid and Beh Sc, - chebli
Characteristic Disease
1 characteristics of avoidant personality disorder feelings of inadequacy, extreme sensitivity to criticism, social inhibition and withdrawl
2 characteristics of schizotypal personality disorder eccentricities of behavior, odd beliefs or magical thinking, relationship difficulties
3 gathers information about sick people in order to characterize a new illness; does not have a control group case series study
4 classifies participants by disease (+) or (-), then looks retrospectively to assess risk factors case-control study
5 follows cases and controls with defined risk factors forward in time to determine if they come down with a disease cohort study
6 type of study that identifies disease prevalence in a population cross-sectional study
7 intervention study in which all study participants receive the intervention; the groups "switch" at some point in time cross-over study
8 prevalence affects which of the following: PPV, NPV, sensitivity, specificity NPV and PPV
9 frequency of an X-linked recessive allele in males is equal to the frequency of the allele in the population
10 in an autosomally-transmitted disease: frequency of males with trait (>/</=) frequency of females with the trait =
11 50% of patients with panic disorder also have what cardiac disorder? MVP
12 if a child screams and cries during a "time out" session, what should the parent do? add another few minutes to the timer (only when unacceptable behavior ENDS does time out end)
13 differentiation between schizophrenia (paranoid type) and paranoid personality disorder no hallucinations in personality disorders
14 define schizoaffective disorder schizophrenia + mood disorder
15 differentiation between schizophrenia (paranoid type) and delusional disorder delusions of delusional disorder are not bizarre; usually no hallucinations with delusional disorder
16 the reward system in the brain is mediated by what neurotransmitter? dopamine
17 Pd characterized by short psychosis, unstable interpersonal relationships, seeing things in "black and white", and self mutilation borderline PD
18 Dad gets mad at Mom. Mom gets mad at dog. This is an example of displacement
19 syndrome of muscle rigidity, hyperpyrexia, CNS alterations, and heart alterations neuroleptic malignant syndrome (caused by antipsychotics and amoxipine)
20 patients who present for assisted suicide usually have (2) poorly-controlled pain, or despression
21 define Jamais vu patient fails to recognize people or situation that have been previously encountered
22 most common type of bias in cohort studies selection (aka sampling) bias
23 can HIV tests be run without the patient's knowledge? YES - if another person is at risk, such as in a needlestick incident
24 name the type of skew: mean<median<mode negative skew
25 how are mean, median, and mode distributed in a positive skew? mean>median>mode
26 attention-seeking behavior, dramatism, inappropriate sexual advances histrionic
27 when both mortality and incidence decrease, improvements have been made in which type of preventive medicine? primary prevention
28 define sublimation the diversion of unacceptable actions into acceptable actions
29 highest PPV for sickle-cell disease would be found in: blacks, whites, asians blacks - remember that as prevalence increase, so does PPV
30 __% of a normally-distributed population will fall within 2 SD of the mean 95% (2.5% at each tail)
31 describe delirium acute change in mental status, can be accompanied by psychosis, waxing/waning consciousness, agitation, irritability
32 differentiate delirium from dementia dementia is insidious and primarily affects memory
33 Erikson's "autonomy vs. shame and doubt" occurs between what ages? 1-3 years
34 characterized by one sole fixed and unshakable delusion delusional disorder
35 a patient with vague or poorly localized complaints might have what disorder? malingering
36 formula for odds ratio ad/bc
37 when does one use the odds ratio? retrospective case-control study
38 when does one use the relative risk? cohort study (prospective study looking at incidence)
39 define social learning learning to behave based on a model
40 What two things MUST happen to make the Dx of PTSD and ASD? reexperiencing the event and dissociative sx
41 the four areas in which patients of 15-17 years can make their own decisions without parental consent or involvement STD treatment, birth control, prenatal care, and substance abuse treatment
42 changes seen in sleep in the elderly decreased total sleep, more awakenings and arousal at night
43 type of reinforcement which entails removal of an aversive stimulus negative reinforcement
44 withdrawl from interaction with others, obsessivity with sameness, and failure to communicate via speech autism
45 difference between autism and Asperger's no language delay in Asperger's
46 what occurs during slow-wave sleep? gross movements, decreases in BP, O2 consumption, HR, and body temp
47 what occurs during REM sleep? loss of muscle tone, dreams, penile erections
48 name some pervasive development disorders autism, asperger's
49 the equation for a 95% CI about a mean mean +/- 2*SEM
50 the equation for a 99% CI about a mean mean +/- 2.5*SEM
51 older men are (more/less) likely than younger men to attempt suicide, and are successful (more/less) often older men are less likely to attempt suicide, but are more often successful
52 put these three activities in order by developmental acquisition: climbing stairs, standing on tip toes, picking up a large ball from the floor stairs (18 mo) > ball (24 mo) > toes (30 mo)
53 IQ test is meant to have a mean of ___ and a SD of __ 100 and 15
54 type of statistical analysis used in a case-control study odds ratio
55 average time a doctor spends per patient 11-15 minutes
56 type of study that gives a measure of incidence cohort study
57 define deviance sum of the squared differences from a mean value
58 test to use when comparing the proportions of patients who have died in a clinical trial chi square
59 cyclothymic disorder is similar (but less severe) that what other major disorder? bipolar I
60 what racial group is more likely to complete suicide? native american male
61 a response is most resistant to extinction if it is learned under which reinforcement schedule? variable ratio
62 children begin to play together at age 4 yrs
63 patients with panic disorder often have what cardiac abnormality? MVP
64 largest source of financing for health care in the US government programs
65 average life expectancy is highest for what gender and race? white females
66 stranger anxiety is common between what ages? 7-9 months
67 separation anxiety is common between what ages? 10-18 months
68 natural aging includes loss of hearing in the (low/high) frequency range high (base of cochlea)
69 does the hearing loss of old age apply to both bone and air conduction? yes
70 what should be a parent's response to a temper tantrum? ignore it
Dr. chebli,

Great job.


Excelent, thank you!

You are all welcome. I have more HY notes if some one is interested!
Hi Dr Chebli

This morning I saw you post UW notes but now I don't see it where it is ?
Can you send me that notes ? at : xxbe_nicexx
thank in advance
I have received many request to post the HY notes. It seems that those who are infrequent visitor to this site have not seen the whole HY. Hence, I am bringing them again to the top page.
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