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43 Q of Neuroanatomy :)) - chebli
Neuro Test
1. A 63-year-old man complains of trouble swallowing and hoarseness. On physical exam, he is noted to have ptosis
and a constricted pupil on the left, and a diminished gag reflex. Neurological examination shows decreased pain and
temperature sensation on the left side of his face and on the right side of his body. Which of the following vessels is
most likely occluded?
A. Anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA)
B. Anterior spinal artery
C. Middle cerebral artery (MCA)
D. Posterior cerebral artery (PCA)
E. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA)
2. A 3-year-old child is brought to the emergency room by her concerned parents. They state the girl has been
complaining of a severe headache and has had two episodes of vomiting. On physical examination, there is bilateral
papilledema and an impaired level of consciousness. Emergency contrast CT scan demonstrates displacement of the
ventricular system by a multilocular "mass" with well-defined white high-attenuation rings around black lowattenuation
centers. The lesion involves the cerebellum. To which of the following conditions is this lesion most
likely related?
A. Bacteremia following tooth extraction
B. Bacterial meningitis
C. Lung abscess
D. Otitis media
E. Sinusitis
3. An 80-year-old woman dies after a long history of progressive memory loss, apraxia, and recurrent episodes of
confusion. In the last months of life she was bedridden and unable to recognize familiar faces and objects. The
pathologist identifies numerous flame-shaped intracytoplasmic inclusions in neurons of the neocortex and
hippocampus. These consist of paired helical filaments (PHFs) on electron microscopy. Which of the following
biochemical changes most likely accounts for the development of PHFs in this condition?
A. Abnormal degradation of amyloid precursor protein (APP)
B. Abnormal phosphorylation of tau
C. Accumulation of advanced glycosylation end (AGE) products
D. Increased expression of APP
E. Precipitation of insoluble a-tubuli
4. A 54-year-old white male presents with gradual onset of mild dementia, ataxic gait, and startle myoclonus. An
MRI scan is normal, and an examination of his cerebrospinal fluid reveals no abnormalities, but the patient's EEG is
remarkable for recurrent bursts of high-voltage slow waves. Over the next 6 months, the patient's dementia rapidly
worsens, accompanied by general hypertonicity and profound dysarthria. The patient dies shortly thereafter. Which
of the following is the mostly likely neuropathological finding on autopsy?
A. Cerebellar hyperplasia
B. Diffuse spongiform change
C. Multiple lacunar infarcts
D. Negri bodies
E. Neurofibrillary tangles
5. In which of the following neurodegenerative conditions would you expect to observe the phenomenon known as
A. Familial Alzheimer disease (FAD)
B. Familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
C. Huntington disease
D. Pick disease
E. Progressive supranuclear palsy
6. A 37-year-old woman is in a serious automobile accident and sustains a closed head injury. She does not
immediately seek medical attention, but is brought to the emergency room two hours later by her brother. On
physical examination, there is mydriasis and loss of the pupillary light reflex. Several hours later, she is unable to
follow a flashlight with her eyes. Which of the following types of herniation is most likely occurring in this patient?
A. Cerebellar tonsils into the foramen magnum
B. Cerebellum upward past the tentorium
C. Cingulate gyrus under the falx
D. Medulla into the foramen magnum
E. Temporal lobe under the tentorium
7. A 10-year-old boy with history of epilepsy and mental retardation is brought to a specialty clinic for evaluation.
Physical examination is remarkable for several ovoid hypopigmented areas on the trunk and large numbers of red
and yellow papules on the face, particularly near the mouth. Biopsy of the papules demonstrates angiofibromata.
This patient is most likely to have which of the following central nervous system pathologies?
A. Acoustic neuromas
B. Capillary hemangioblastomas
C. Herniation of cerebellar tonsils into foramen magnum
D. Large cortical hamartomas
E. Leptomeningeal angiomatosis
8. A 25-year-old man presents with bilateral hearing loss. MRI reveals bilateral tumors within the cerebellopontine
angles. Surgery is performed, and the tumors are removed. Both are found to be neurilemomas ("schwannoma").
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Metastatic disease
B. Multiple sclerosis
C. Neurofibromatosis type 1
D. Neurofibromatosis type 2
E. Tuberous sclerosis
9. Which of the following is the most frequent primary malignant tumor of the CNS?
A. Glioblastoma multiforme
B. Medulloblastoma
C. Meningioma
D. Oligodendroglioma
E. Pituitary adenoma
10. A child develops a tumor of the cerebellum. Biopsy reveals evidence of both neuronal and glial differentiation.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Astrocytoma
B. Glioblastoma multiforme
C. Medulloblastoma
D. Meningioma
E. Oligodendroglioma
11. Which of the following nuclei undergo transsynaptic degeneration as a consequence of primary degeneration
affecting dorsal root ganglia in Friedreich ataxia?
A. Cerebellar dentate nucleus
B. Contralateral gracile and cuneate nuclei
C. Ipsilateral gracile and cuneate nuclei
D. Pontine nuclei
E. Vestibular nuclei
12. An adult patient presents with persistent headaches. A CT scan of the head demonstrates a 2-cm spherical mass
at the junction of the white and gray matter of the lateral aspect of the cerebral hemisphere. Which of the following
would most likely produce this lesion?
A. Astrocytoma B. Ependymoma
C. Glioblastoma multiforme
E. Metastatic carcinoma
D. Meningioma
13. Which of the following regarding dementia is true:
A. To make the accurate diagnosis of dementia memory impairment is not enough, impairment in
every day activities is also required.
B. Patients with Alzheimer's disease often have problems with balance and abnormal gait.
C. Neuronal loss is not observed in Alzheimer disease
D. Finding Lewy bodies is often diagnostic postmortem for Alzheimer's disease
E. Progressive Supranuclear palsy is often associated with symptoms of visual hallucinations
14. A 34-year-old man with AIDS suddenly falls to the floor and has a tonic-clonic seizure. His concerned friends
call paramedics, who take him to the hospital. On arrival at the hospital he is conscious, but confused. Physical
examination is remarkable for cachexia and oral thrush. Neurological examination reveals isolated weakness of
lateral gaze on the right. MRI reveals multicentric mass lesions in the brain and meninges. One of the masses is
biopsied and appropriate immunohistochemical stains are performed. From which of the following cell types did the
masses most likely derive?
A. Astrocyte
B. B lymphocyte
C. Ependymal cell
D. Melanocyte
E. Oligodendrocyte
15. Which of the following nuclei play a central role in auditory reflexes and descending efferent pathways?
A. Superior Olivary Nucleus
B. Inferior Olivary Nucleus
C. Cochlear Nucleus
D. Inferior Colliculus
16. A 63-year-old man has taken an antidepressant for the past 3 months. He is on no other medications and is
generally in good health. After attending a graduation party for his son at which he consumes wine, bread, and
cheese, he is rushed to the emergency room with tachycardia, headache, and a blood pressure of 200/100 mm Hg.
Which antidepressant is he most likely taking?
A. Fluoxetine
B. Imipramine
C. Phenelzine
D. Trazodone
E. Venlafaxine
17. Which of the following statements regarding the nasal anatomy is false?
A. Obstruction of the ostiomeatal complex results in congestion of the Anterior ethmoid, frontal
and maxillary sinuses.
B. The most common site of bleeding is from Kesselbach's plexus
C. The primary form of treating allergic rhinitis is Avoidance
D. Triad asthma (which includes the symptoms of asprin sensitivity, asthma, and polyps) should
lead to a suspicion of cystic fribrosis.
E. All of the above statements are true.
18. Wegener's disease is associated with which of the following nasal conditions?
A. Saddle Nose Deformity
B. Septal perforation
C. Allergic Rhynitis
D. Cystic Fibrosis
E. A and B
F. A and D
G. B and D
H. B and C
19. A 52-year-old female complains of sudden visual abnormalities. Her history reveals a 30 pack-year history of
smoking, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia. A head CT shows a lesion in the right occipital lobe and an
angiogram reveals an embolic stroke of the right posterior cerebral artery. What type of visual deficit is she most
likely experiencing?
A. Bitemporal hemianopia
B. Central scotoma
C. Left homonymous hemianopia
D. Left superior quadrantanopia
E. Right homonymous hemianopia
F. Right superior quadrantanopia
G. Total left eye blindness
H. Total right eye blindness
20. A 38-year-old woman with multiple sclerosis (MS) has stable neurologic deficits resulting from old
demyelinated plaques. Which of the following histopathologic features would be prominent in this patient's old
A. Complete loss of axons
B. Gliosis
C. Histiocytic infiltration
D. Lymphocytic infiltration
E. Myelin breakdown
21. A patient with long term severe hypertension develops progressive dementia. CT scan of the head demonstrates
a diffuse loss of deep hemispheric white matter. Which of the following terms best describes the pathological
process that is occurring?
A. Anemic infarcts
B. Hemorrhagic infarcts
C. Hypertensive encephalopathy
D. Lacunae
E. Subcortical leukoencephalopathy
22. A 40-year-old man with adult polycystic kidney disease is brought to the emergency room in a coma. CT scan of
the head demonstrates a subarachnoid hemorrhage without parenchymal hemorrhage. Which of the following is the
most likely source of the bleeding?
A. AV malformation
B. Bridging veins
C. Charcot-Bouchard aneurysm
D. Circle of Willis
E. Middle meningeal artery
23. During a boxing match, a contestant is "knocked out" by a blow to the lateral skull. He recovers after a few minutes, and is
asymptomatic for the next 12 hours. He then develops a severe headache, changes in mental status, nausea, and vomiting. Which
of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Basilar skull fracture
B. Epidural hemorrhage
C. Intracerebral hemorrhage
D. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
E. Subdural hematoma
24. A 60-year-old man presents to a physician because of difficulty in reading and coming down stairs, which he attributes to an
inability to "look down." Physical examination reveals that the patient looks around by moving his head rather than his eyes and
also shows a distinctive axial rigidity of neck, trunk, and proximal limb muscles. He shows poverty of movement and dysarthric
speech. Mentally, the patient responds very slowly but has better memory and intellect than are initially apparent. Which of the
following pathologic findings of the brain would most likely be present?
A. Depigmentation of the substantia nigra and locus ceruleus
B. Diffuse cortical atrophy with relative sparing of primary motor and sensory areas
C. Selective frontal and temporal lobe atrophy
D. Striking degeneration of the caudate nucleus
E. Widespread neuronal loss and gliosis in subcortical sites
25. A neurological examination of a 47-year-old woman reveals a normal corneal reflex in her right eye, but no consensual corneal
reflex in her left eye. Which of the following additional findings might be expected?
A. Absence of pupillary light reflex of the left eye
B. Hyperacusis of the left ear
C. Inability to abduct the right eye
D. Loss of pain and temperature of the left face
E. Loss of taste from the anterior two-thirds of the right tongue
F. Ptosis of the left eye
26. A 64-year-old man begins to show behavioral changes and irritability, and is found wandering in the park near his home. On
neurological examination, there is evidence of mild aphasia and cognitive dysfunction, but motor function is preserved. CT scan of
the head demonstrates selective atrophy of the cortex of the frontal lobes. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Alzheimer's disease
B. Friedreich's ataxia
C. Huntington's disease
D. Parkinson's disease
E. Pick's disease
27. Careful testing of the visual fields in a patient complaining of difficulty reading demonstrates a central scotoma involving one
visual field. This defect is most likely due to a lesion involving which of the following structures?
A. Macula
B. Optic chiasm
C. Optic radiations in the parietal lobe
D. Optic radiations in the temporal lobe
E. Optic tract
28. In the evaluation of a 73 year old man who complains of frequent confusion and disorientation. His neighbor has noticed that
he no longer is keep up his garden and is concerned about his frequent wandering in the neighborhood. She also noticed that he
often looks disheveled, which is particularly abnormal for him. All of the following lab exams would be relevant in the
assessment for dementia except:
A. Blood sample for CBC, glucose, electrolytes and LFT's.
B. Imaging studies such as CT and MRI
C. Urinanalysis
D. Presenilin (sequencing)
E. All are appropriate
29. A 76-year-old female presents with complaints of difficulty reading. Ophthalmologic examination is remarkable for bilateral,
white opacifications in her eyes, consistent with cataract formation. In which of the following structures are the opacifications
A. Aqueous humor
B. Cornea
C. Lens
D. Optic nerve
E. Retina
30. A middle-aged woman comes to her physician's office with complaints of visual difficulties. A review of systems and physical
examination are unremarkable except for her eye exam. When a light is shined in her right eye, there is no pupillary response in
either eye. However, upon shining a light in her left eye, both ipsilateral and contralateral pupillary responses are apparent. Her
extraocular movements are intact. What is the most likely location of her lesion?
A. Oculomotor nerve, left side
B. Oculomotor nerve, right side
C. Optic nerve, left side
D. Optic nerve, right side
E. Trochlear nerve, left side
F. Trochlear nerve, right side
31. In attempting to introduce a catheter into the right internal jugular vein, a resident inadvertently damages the cervical
sympathetic trunk in a patient. Which of the following findings is most likely to be seen in this patient as a result of the injury?
A. Constriction of the right pupil
B. Dilation of the right pupil
C. Inability to abduct the right eye
D. Inability to close the right eye
E. Paralysis of the platysma muscle on the
right side
32. During a follow-up visit to her psychiatrist, a 17-year-old female admits that she is contemplating suicide. She has been
morbidly depressed for the past 2 months; she denies drug abuse or excessive drinking. After a complete evaluation, her physician
prescribes imipramine. This drug acts by
A. increasing dopamine release
B. inhibiting monoamine oxidase
C. inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine
D. potentiating GABA
E. selectively inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin
33. If an Acoustic Reflex Test was being performed on the right ear of a normal man with a loud sound we would expect a
tympanogram from the right ear to have a:
A. Higher than normal compliance peak
B. Lower than normal compliance peak
C. A shift in the compliance peak to the left
D. A shift in the compliance peak to the right
E. no change
34. Which of the following statements are true regarding hearing aids:
A. Amplified sound does not have the same fidelity
B. completely in the canal hearing aids are reserved only for patients with severe hearing problems
C. Bond conduction aids are useful for people with conductive hearing loss
D. All of the above are true
E. None of the above are true
35. You have a patient who was diagnosed with a large pituitary tumor. Which of the following visual fields most likely would be
A. Right nasal field and left temporal field
B. Left nasal field and right temporal field
C. Right nasal field and left nasal field
D. Right temporal field and left temporal field
E. Right nasal and right temporal field
36. An elderly patient dies with chronic dementia. At autopsy, the brain shows diffuse cortical atrophy with relative sparing of
primary motor and sensory areas. Which of the following would most likely be a prominent feature on microscopic examination of
her brain tissue?
A. Central chromatolysis
B. Lewy bodies
C. Gliosis of the caudate nucleus
D. Loss of pigmented neurons
E. Neurofibrillary tangles
37. In the patient above (Q. 36) which types of cells are most likely affected?
A. GABAnergic neurons
B. Cholinergic neurons
C. Dopaminergic neurons
D. Glutamatergic neurons
E. Glial cells
38. A 6-year-old girl manifests acute vomiting and nuchal rigidity. MRI reveals a tumor in the posterior
fossa consisting of a large cyst with a nodular mass attached to its wall (cyst with "mural nodule").
Histologic examination shows elongated astrocytes with long bipolar processes and numerous Rosenthal
fibers. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Astrocytoma, WHO grade II
B. Ependymoma
C. Glioblastoma multiforme
D. Medulloblastoma
E. Pilocytic astrocytoma
39. A 35-year-old man is referred to a psychiatrist because of erratic behavior. The man had been adopted
in infancy, so his family history is not known. Over the next year, he develops uncontrollable erratic
movements, such that attempts to pick up a cup or use a pencil produce sudden uncontrolled lurches. When
he tries to walk, he staggers, thrusts, and abruptly changes direction. Eventually, with disease progression,
he develops increasing rigidity and is unable to move, and finally dies ten years after the onset of
symptoms. Which of the following changes would most likely be seen on examination of his brain at
A. Depigmentation of the substantia nigra and locus ceruleus
B. Diffuse cortical atrophy with relative sparing of primary motor and sensory areas
C. Selective frontal and temporal lobe atrophy
D. Striking degeneration of the caudate nucleus
E. Widespread neuronal loss and gliosis in subcortical sites
40. All of the following appear to play a role in depression except:
A. Puberty
B. Oral Contraception
C. Pre mentrual
D. Time Zone changes
E. Menopause
41. Which of the following drug is most appropriate for treating a unipolar patient?
A. Fluoxetine
B. Lithium
C. Oxazepam
D. Clozapine
E. Midazolam
42. Which of the following statements are true regarding the tensor tympani and stapedius muscles?
A. They are similar in that they are both innervated by the facial nerve
B. They are similar in that they are both innervated by the trigeminal nerve
C. They are different in that the stapedius muscle is innervated by the CN. V and tensor tympani is
innervated by CN. VII
D. They are similar in that they both act to dampen sound. They both act in opposition of each
other; the stapedius dampens sound and tensor tympani amplifies sound
43. A 48-year-old male is brought to the psychiatric emergency room after an attempted suicide. He claims
to hear voices telling him to kill himself. The patient's family notes that he has been on several different
kinds of antipsychotic medications, with no improvement of his symptoms. The attending psychiatrist
places the patient on a new medication, and admits him. One week after therapy has begun, a routine blood
test reveals profound depletion of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Which of the following drugs is most
likely responsible for these symptoms?
A. Chlorpromazine
B. Clozapine
C. Fluoxetine
D. Haloperidol
E. Imipramine
F. Phenelzine
Just stop by to thank you
Wow!very good questions, I need ans for all of them too.Thanks for the ques.
Hey Chebli where are the answers?
thank u chebli!!!!!!!!!

gob bless

You are all welcome. I have more HY notes if some one is interested!
can you post the answers plz.....
v gud qn cud u pls post the ans????
For those who did not get chance to see this HY Smile)
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