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Full Version: A proposal for recent test takers - Student Q-Bank - sofresh
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To help out your fellow students who are struggling, how about you come up with your own questions that test the CONCEPTS you saw on the 3rd exam. NOT questions you saw on the exams, but questions you derive from concepts you saw on exam. I don't think this would be against the rule given that most review companies test hi-yield concepts.

What do you think? This would greatly help your fellow students. If each person contribute a little, we'd have more questions than kaplan! =)
there are lot of sources especially some AMG's site, which are working on this concept, and all these professional ppl collect information from those sources, it would be great if you start a new one, when I am done I will donate some idea's .
sounds good. I was a teacher at a medical school. Before I left, my last job was to design test questions for neuroscience. I designed them as USMLE questions...more like step 1. But I could contribute those

let me know
to all the friends in step 3 prep.

please go back to step 2 and step 1 sections, help other people too.


here are the link for step 1 and step 2 section



step 1

step 2
hi to my understanding most of the kaplan and UW qs are designed in that way..... let us be honest how many of us went back to post and design step 2 Qs inspite of it being needed for step 3 . can any one of us including those who scored 99s go back and write step 1 Qs. I dont blame anyone including myself but its just that its a job of the professional I wud be glad to contribute the high concepts but writing the Qs needs professional expertise. if not done properly there is always a chance of it getting counterproductive and affecting already frustrated test takers ... sorry dont misunderstand me By no means i intend to discourage those who wanna write Qs ...... just my thought on this