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eBay user - no@emai.l

Dear students,

I am not sure if any of you guys had the same problems as me, but why can't I sell my ORIGINAL books on eBay. I paid 499 for the Home Study 2003 package from Kaplan, now I wanted to sell it on eBay. My ad was removed TWICE because Kaplan says it infringes their copyright.

Now you gotta be kidding me....I paid 500 and it is against the law that I sell my OWN books ?

I did not SELL ANY COPIED CDs or copied BOOKS...I even mentioned that in my eBay AD !!!

Can they do this ? In their books it only says :

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, microfil, xerography, or any other means, or incorporated into any information retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the permission of Kaplan Educational Centers, Inc.

You cannot sell your own books...thats sad KAPLAN !!!

Please reply people, I am desperate...
hi - docniceus

hi.this is not a serious problem.simply go to the caplan center and add your books for sell .there is alot of student whose looking for cheaper books.i bought my books this way.
good luck.
Bookseller - bogner81

Yes, but what is the difference between their center and eBay ? Selling is selling...
I dont understand JACK now...

Good Idea

i think kaplan is just being selfish. who would buy our used books but only in our own medical field. what do they expect us to do? do a garage sale? and who would buy them anyways? do you think an average worker would just pick up a medical book and start reading it? if your book is not a copy I don't see why not. besides those kaplan books esp. step 2 was also copied from medical books isn't it? the was no copyright at the back or anything for that matter
Bookseller - bogner81

xxxx -

That is true...I wish I had money to afford an attorney !

study hard and when you pass file a complaint against kaplan