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A 44-year-old construction worker is brought to the hospital following a fall and a back injury. On his third day in the hospitaI, he appears
irritable and edgy and demands to leave. His behavior gradually becomes worse, and he is put into restraints in order to prevent further back
injury. A psychiatrist called to consult on this patient reviews the chart and notes no prior history of psychiatric illness. He smokes and drinks
moderately, and uses no street drugs, per notes in the chart. His previous physical health was good. The man appears confused and talks to
the physician about having seen snakes in his room. He is disoriented to time and place, is perspiring profoundly and is tremulous. The man
seems agitated, confused, and is hallucinating. His blood pressure, pulse, and respiratory rate are gradually increasing.

Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis
A Conversion disorder
B Delirium tremens
C Delusional disorder
D Pathological intoxication
E Schizophrenia
need to get high to calm down

Which of the following is the most appropriate pharmacotherapy
Iron supplement
Diagnosis-Delerium tremens

b as benzo
Chlordiazepoxide is used to relieve anxiety and to control agitation caused by alcohol withdrawal.

if this patient has a black outs in past then what type of amnesia he has?sorry i can not post the options i dont know why?
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