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Full Version: anyone applied to more than 150 programs - santabanta
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with scores above 95, 2 mon of observership, need j1 or h1?
i also wanaa know that crazy one
To those who are making fun of applying more than 150 programs.

if you accurately get the information from all the programs, regarding the visa (j1,h1), usce and scores definetly you will get more than 225 programs, which you can apply. Not sure they are img friendly or not but meeting the criteria is important rather than img friendly or not, as it depeneds on pure luck.

if you see the math for IM.

there are 388 programs in total in frieda
110 programs will sponser h1 (some of these sponser both j1,h1)
115 programs sponser J1 only
remaining are military and does not sponser visa.
And also the above does not include the California state (one of the biggest state, which requires PTAL)

so apply as many as u can early rather then getting worried later if you are not getting the calls from the so called first 50 to 60 programs which every one is applying....


hey santbarbara .....uffffffffffffffffffffffffff
samntabarbara....r u tryin to say tht u r great??????
why u wanna learn if anyone did apply or not? do your own business. does it matter to you. If you have money, go ahead and apply to 350 programs, else stay put at 1. Its not a competition as far as the no of programs is hav to decide for yourself.