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Full Version: really depressed!!! - csexam
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i just got my first rejection today... from UT south western, Dallas. feeling really depressed. i'm just loosing hope and don't know what to do. i'm not able to concentrate on anything. have to take my step 3 too. i keep on checking my mail every 10 min's to see if i got any mail from any program. i hope this gets over soon and all of us get matched or pre-matched into some program. it's really nerve wrecking.... the whole process. i wish everyone good luck for everthing...
whats ur credentials !!! Im tensed
lol I dont know how will you manage through this whole interview and match process, ordeal for you.
Cmon yaar, only 8 days into application process and look at ur condition. Pessimist will never win. 99% applicants at this time have no interview calls. Look at positive things of life.
Ok enuff preaching by me and whining by you. Get back to work

all the best
csexam, take a cold bath. you will feel fine. many people have ZERO tolerance. i dont know how can they be a good doctor if they are not driven by $$$.

or take 5 sleeping pills and have a good sleep. you will feel wonderful tomorrow morning. many people have ZERO patience. i dont know how can they go through the whole residency years if they are not just wanting to come to the US.

good luck to me and you all
dont worry about the rejection,the journey is just starting,did u think u would get interviews from ALL the programs u applied to?no,so everyone is bound to get some rejection,it's part of the whole process so keep thinking positively.Goodluck
i think he is checking his emails every 10 minutes, lol
Take it easy... its only the beginning.
"UT SOUTH WESTERN" what do u expect!!! i mean have you seen any one from the residents listing a FMG??? its totally a non IMG friendly hospital... and its reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllyyyyy hard to get in... so relax.... you shud already anticipate this from such universities.... dont worry... you will get in some equally good and well known uni...
Dont be depressed...