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Full Version: I need ur opinion..please. - drdrunk
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I have been reading this forum for the last 2 years.It has helped me many times. Thank u all.
I graduated in 1998.I scored 85 in step1 on second attempt. 89 in step2 in 1st attempt,Ecfmg certified in june 2006.
I am due to do an observership for 5 days and externship in october for 1 month. I am a green card holder.
What are my chances to get an IM residency??
very slim. but you are great chance for psy. good luck
i meant you "have"
ur chances r good for IM,FP,Ped,psych,obgyn.Go for which ever u want.Goodluck
meena is too judgemental. I think u stand good chances for IM. I posted a msg for u in the other thread too.