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Full Version: nb--Bl 3--40--Puberty - usmle20
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40. A 13-year-old girl is brought for a well-child examination. Menses have occurred every other month since menarche 10 months ago. Her last menstrual period was 1 week ago. She is not sexually active. Sexual development is Tanner stage 3. Examination shows no abnormalities. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?

) Discussion of pregnancy prevention

) Measurement of serum luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormone levels

) Urine β-hCG test

) Pelvic examination

) Estrogen therapy

) Diagnostic laparoscopy
Estrogen therapy
y Estrogen therapy ?..........y not A
Menses have occured every other month ( inconsistent menses) , probably due to anovulatory cycles. Estrogen therapy.

LMP is only last week , 13 year old, not involved in sexual activity yet . More important than discussion of pregnancy prevention is to regularise her menstrual cycles first.
its normal not to have regular menses in first months so ,i think A is correct.
A for sure
PS. It's normal to have irreg menses first year, even she is not sex active today but hey... she can be active tomorow.
i go for A too.irreg periods due to immaturity of HPO axis is common in 1st yr n no trt is needed for tht
n @ age 13, can estrogen make ne effect on growth pattern ? ? ?
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