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Full Version: If offered a pre-match, but still have interviews - ninerr
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my question...
if offered a pre-match but still have interviews to attend...
how would you convey interest without commitment,
in other words how do you tell
them you would like time to think about it...
"i need to discuss it with my family..."
"by when do you need an answer.."
"committed myself to other interviews, would like to honor that committment and then get back to you..."
what would be the best approach?
thanks appreciate your comments
Best approach - accept prematch and cancel other interviews
honor commitment is BS
Discuss with family before interview. but if interested in another program. request weeks ' time to discuss with family and get back. Some PDs understand.. others wont. ur call.
DISCUSS with the family???...who is going to do residency you or your family.???.....
dont thing much get the prematch...jsut close your eyes.......if your are FMG....

last year one of my friend was offered a prematch he did not singed it.....eventually he didnt

never say that i will discuss with the u are kid .....
tell them straight up, I need time to think about it.
no not a kid
thanks for the complement
but I am very aware of the value of family
and if a program has a problem with my values
then why would I want to be a part of something like that

agree with desi
about discussing with family first though
I'd be happy to settle down with the first prematch. Then cancel all the following interviews, and move on to something else, like get prepared for the residency, get started on step 3 prep. I don't need all the remaining travels and interruption with my current job.
it's a norm in US to ask for 1 week to decide (any job), play it very nicely (ie, don't burn the bridge), and pls don't mention your family, your dad, your kids, your dogs or your neighbours. be professional, they will understand.
Someone posted a mail saying he was offered a prematch on his first and fourth interviews but he turned them down. He got more than 10 interviews but he remained unmatch for year 2006.
is there any out there
that has actually gone through this situation
or are we all just speculating????
just remember, the grass on the other side of the fence might NOT be greener.
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