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Full Version: St Marys Hospital, Waterbury, CT - usmle_uk
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Hi Guys,

I got IV from this program in IM.

Any idea about this program.

It seems to be a crap program.

No information in scutwork.

Do they offer H1 or only J1.

Please gimme some information.

Honestly you dont deserve the IV,you have not even find out anything about the prgm before calling it crap.if it is crap why did you give eras your 25 bucks,ask for a refund.

unfortunately dont know anything about your program,so cant do the scutwork for you.BTW scutwork is not a yardstick for good or bad program.GL and better attitude
And yes,they sponsor visa
Hi Kita,

If u dont want to give any information then just get lost.
Its not ur bussiness to say what am i supposed to do or what am i was supposed to do.
I tried my best to get more information for past few days and im here to get more especially about visa.
I havnt asked u personally for any advise so just mind what u say.
u better change ur attitude not mine.
Not all people have time before applying to know more about programs, i just applied as per my firends advise.
hey usmle_uk...what r u r credentials
Hey kita, are you the judge of this forum?
You even sound better than your first post.
Not taking responsibility for once action-why dont you ask for the information instead of running the program down

You are as good as the program you applied to and receive call from-so dont feel too good about nothing

So you know it is crappy,good why are you asking us,it is called attitudinal issues

As long as you post here,everyone is qualify to respond

Get a new outlook in life and quit denying who you are

If I am wrong,i take responsibility and accept not transfering it to another person

I have asked questions about prgms too,but not in a derrogatory way

If it is crappy,then dont ask us,call PC and cancel your IV or just click on eras and withdraw from the program.

Take care young man,and learn the right use of words!
rajkapur ,I am not the judge,but read his post.he called the program crappy and still want information on the program.So if it is crappy he doesnt deserve it,may be he deserve Hopkins,Harvard,UCLA,Sanford,Yale.Considering Yale is arround the corner,he should be heading to Yale and leave the carppy program alone
Hi iim

My credentials are 97/92/pass

do u have any idea about this program

i will back up Kita on this one is a judge here and i am sure anyone and everone will feel lucky to get a spot in any lets not name names here.
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