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Full Version: any orthopaedic surgeon - pth
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I need to know about a specific info.........
there is an operation called Z plasty for the lengthening of achilis tendon in cases of Cerebral palsy, contracture ... ... Can this operation be performed on Local anesthesia? Local mean on the back of ancke can we inject local anesthetic and can performed operation with out general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia?
Guys no body answer my Q............................................
I found this link this

According to this article WE CAN REDUCES THE RECURRENCE OF DIABETIC FOOT ULCER BY ACHILLIS TENDON LENGTHENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

actually I ask this Q as one of my family relative is going to ahv this procedure so decided to share with you.
I am more interested in regional anesthesia.. So my Q CAN WE PERFORM THIS PROCEDURE JUST BY ANESTHETISING THE SKIN??