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Full Version: Good Samaritan, Ohio IM - mimo
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Do they offer prematch?
Thanks and GL to everyone
do you have some nice place to hang around these days mimo??
hey bluetooth

how's everything?
I assume u speak spanish coz i saw the video. Pretty funny.
where have u been,,,we all missed you
oh blue
U r really nice
Yeah, work and more work, but i have been checking the forum.
I missed u all 2!

Any ivs this week?
just 2 mimo
how about you??
Hey Mimo, I see you're comming out of the wood works again...Good job on the Good Samarita....hey did you pick up Jacksonville Memorial?
Nice! Congrats
me, nothing last week and nothing today. Sad
I hope I get at least 1 this wk.
Blue, i have to go now....
Take care and Ill see u tomorrow!
bye blue
no vit i didnt. I only applied to UM, Cleveland Clinic, Mount Sinai and Orlando Regional.
Bye vit, see ya tomorrow
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