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Full Version: feeling even worst - lekmed
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i am 1993 img, i didn't pass step1 twice i have full time job and family.
and now i ask my self is it worth to sacrifice?
lekmed i know its really difficult for u with family n fulltime job to concentrate on studies n the dissapointment failure brings with it is very hard to overcome but the mere fact that u visit this forum shows that u want to make it so since u have at least the feel and grip of subjects pls make a more determined effort. recognize ur week points work on them and give it another shot afterall what matters is that you should know in your heart of hearts that you left no stone unturned. ultimately all we can do is our best and leave the rest TO HIM.
Lekmed, i am in the same boat as you are . 2 kids & 2 failed attempts.
i have one question, what do you feel you are sacrificing??? tell me & i will tell you my story. thanks .
lekmed r u polish?
Hi I'm polish too.Planning step1 in march.Pls dont worry about your fail,Im sure if u pass next time with a nice score ull get a residency....
Pls come to our site theres plenty of helpful people....well support u cause i see u need it now
...or u aleady are on our site?
to grzybcia
i guess lekmed doesnt want to share the story

i know how you feel when i share my story with my "friends" about the failed attempts , almost instantly it seems they lose all respect for my knowledge,they give me the look"what she could not pass step 1............." nothing annoys me more. but you know what i am going to show them what i am capable of , Nobody can put you down but you, if you think you cannot then you cant.
I will show them that i can do it & excel in my field & enjoy my family too.

I dont understand what you mean by sacrfice?? We all have to give something up in order to get something, Most of the time it is "family time" we give up., yes i have 2 boys & i love them so dearly i feel very guilty having to work & study & not be there when they need me.

The failed attempts should not put you off since you are a MOTHER. Show you children that when times get difficult YOU NEVER QUIT . There is no easy way out of this. once you finish usmle, YOU ARE A DOCTOR . It is sacrifice when you give your family for your career. but what we are doing is managing a family & seeking better opportunities,

Do not feel like it is sacrifice, FEEL THAT IT IS YOUR RIGHT , it is your duty to give your kids better prospects, so you work hard & finish usmle & become a doctor , so your kids & family can be PROUD of you . the trick is overcoming the hardship & succeeding, you show the world you can do it.
it is not easy but you can do it.

You are a mother first, so enjoy life, enjoy your children & work hard towards you dreams & they will be fulfilled in time.

start NEW, with renewed DETERMINATION & set a good example for all of us ,

My best wishes for your exams.

Keep in touch.

i will leave my email in case you want to take a swing at me,, usmle2000

if you like poems as i do , read this ...................

Don™t Quit

When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you™re trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low, and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have™to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit-
Rest, if you must, but don™t quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As everyone of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don™t give up though the pace seems slow”
You may succeed with another blow.

Success is failure turned inside out”
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So, stick to the fight when you™re hardest hit”
It™s when things seem worst that you mustn™t quit.
to goldfish

thanks so much for your advise.
my story is to much complicated to share it here,
but any way
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