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Full Version: Just wanted to add some more.. - malvika
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Hello dear friends...just wanted to continue from where i left off earlier..
My last 2 blocks had chunks and chunks of immuno and anatomy,genetics..lots of gross as well as neuroanatomy..stress was laid on-interleukins{know them cold!},Kawasakis,SCID{3 questions}, Digeorges with diagram identification,TH helper subset questions, autotolerance,pick put the right arm of immunity affected, Graves,polyarteritia nodosa,Brutons,some very vague and tough questions on hypersensitivities-not direct at all but kind of twisted.
Embryo of heart--sinus venosus,omphalocele vs gastrochisis-very well worded..again hard to choose between 2 options, one q on HOX genes--had no idea,reproductive endocrines--haeav emphasis on specific histo findings of menstrual cycle{no real clues to go with that...just look at the histo and identify the day of the cycle..had actuall 3 of those in different blocks}.easy identificatin of thyrois disorders, confusing q about role of calcitonin,know all MEN syndromes
A table with different epidem studies and a case scenario--easy...forward looking type of study=cohort
Biochem pathways..friends knnnow the rate limiting enzymes cold--u should be able to write down what is what theyr--u think u know it but for me under time pressure i was literally racking my brains when asked to point out the enzymes on a diagram--sure i messed that up
know the fetal circulation well-q's were repeated in 2 blocks
3-4 questions on identification of inheritance patterns-one was mitochondrial pattern
Lots of newborn physiology q's--found them tough
multiple sclerosis,Guillain barre-again repeated questions

Cant remember more now but will keep posting as i do.
A few tips and mistakes hope u dont make which i unfortunately did:
1. Please dont ignore anatomy and behavioural science--they r as imp as patho and physio r--in fact ALL Q'S R WELL DISTRIBUTED
2 Start FA from atleats a month before the exam day---u will practice recall if u do it repeatedly and wont miss simple questions on the test{its difficult to immediately recall with that damn clock clickin away!!"
3.Learn to intergrate subjects as u prepare--I did not do that and regret it--
4.Physio GRAPHS R SO HIGH YIELD--Kaplan is enough but practice puttin them down on paper---ALL autonomic system is so heavily tested.
5.CTS AND MRI interpretation is a must---lost so many valuable q's just because i could not identify them on the exam---knew the answers though and felt miserable!{still get nightmares about those questions}
6. Bio stats is simple calculations--so know basic formulas wel-SEnsitvity,specifi,PPV,odds ratio,incidence rate,infant mortality rates
&.Biochem rate limiting enzymes along with arrows for FAD/NAD/NADPH/GTP--knw what is where
8.Glomerulonephritis--2 q's with justbthe immunoflorescence pattern--very little in the stem of the question to go on--webpath has that in detail

I cant remember more now--but will post more as and when it rings a bell.
I dont have much hope from this exam and am praying hard to pass but please dont let my experience in any way scare you--instead please let it help u better --all of you have the potential to make it and i wish all of you the best of luck in your preparation.This exam is not a monster but can be managed with lots of good,hard preparation,luck and lots of prayers.Please dont postpone your exam for too long...i wish i had not delayed it so much--6-7 months of consistent studying,q-banks and revisions of notes is realy important.

All my very best to all of you{i have tried and thanked all of you in my earlier post} and aplogise if i ahve missed anyone. Good luck friends--u CAN ALL DO IT!!
Thanks malvika for sharing. I was sure about you getting awesome score even before you took your test. i wish you good luck in your all steps and wish you best of luck in your family life. just relax and do shopping for the little one. take careSmile
i was just amazed how you thanked each and everyone........the way you showed to you simply amazing.....i am sure will be a wonderful doc and great mom.......if you need any tips on infant care .....i am an expert there...Smile......relax now and enjoy the moost wonderful time of your sincere wishes for you.. takecare...
malvika... are you such a thoughtful and kind person.. thank you for all the input youve given us on your test.. thanks for all the awesome "malvika questions uve posted" your questions have been the most awesome....
i hope u get a wonderful score and the residency of your dreams...
goodluck with everything..
enjoy your new baby when he/she comes into the world.. and yes donot forget to send us snaps... we all look forward to being a part of your happiness.....
thx for ur great work. god bless u.and u'll rock .enjoy ur motherhood.all the best
thank u malvika for helping us... i can just about imagine how painful it must be knowing stuff n not being able to pin point it! try not to think about it too much now.. (easier said than done) ...good luck! and im CERTAIN ull do really very well!!
thanx for sharing
good luck for ur results
Dear malvi,

Thanks dear for sharing ur experience.
It is very assuring to hear from someone who appeared the exam .that the exam is not a mosnter.
Ticking clock is one of the most critical factor i believe
I am sure you will do well.
take care of ur self....& give us the very good news.

God bless u!

One again thank you, malvika, for these messages! Could you please give me some deails abut the Hox genes question? I am making a collection of HOX genes qs Smile)
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