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Full Version: immunopath - kashmala
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A 45-year-old female has experienced difficulty in
swallowing that has increased in severity over the past
year. She has also experienced malabsorption, demonstrated
by a 10-kg weight loss in the past 6 months. She reports
increasing dyspnea. Echocardiography demonstrates a large
pericardial effusion. Her antinuclear antibody test is posi-
tive at 1:512 with a nucleolar pattern. Which of the follow-
ing serious complications of her underlying autoimmune
disease is most likely to occur?
O (A) Meningitis
O (B) Glomerulonephritis
O © Perforated duodenal ulcer
O (D) Adrenal failure
O (E) Malignant hypertension
BBB. its SLE
thats y i posted this Q here cuz of ist tricky nature.i also got it wrong.....guys thats for ur replies but pls try again.unfortunately its not A.
shawn i know u didn cheat cuz u got it wrong.hehheheheh
guys thanks its not b
sory am doing a lot of typos tonite.....
thanks guys but ist not b.
A. meningitis. Kashmala your question has blocked me. wish i had cheatedSmile
shawn u r funny
its not meningitis
ok you won , i lost. whats the correct answer? Smile
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