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Full Version: immunopath 3 - kashmala
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hahahahha..........didn want to psot now but sicne shawn is shaking his brain or his brain is shaking him...either way......hey shawn offence buddy kidding with u
(A) Although not proved, the CD4 lymphocytes are
thought to respond to some unknown antigenic stimulation,
releasing cytokines that further activate macrophages and
mast cells. The result is extensive dermal fibrosis that pro-
duces the clinical appearance of sclerodactyly with sclero-
derma. Neutrophils and NK cells do not participate in this
process. Despite scleroderma being an autoimmune disease,
inflammation is minimal. The major finding is progressive
fibrosis of skin, lung, and gastrointestinal tract.
BP6 113-114 PBD6 228-229
Smile) WICKKKED!Smile thnx kash..
Thanks kashmala for a very good questionSmile
nice q kashmala.....

hehhee if i may crack a poor joke.. experimental questions... hahhaa so kash u cant deduct are marks for this!!!!
Thanks kashmala for the question;
u r all welcome
thnaks for appreciation
someone asked me the source
the source of these Q i been posting is
I just want to make sure of something. It says in in Kaplan that the pathogenesis of scleroderma involves ACTIVATION OF FIBROBLASTS BY CYTOKINES INTERLEUKIN-1 AND PLATELET DERIVED GROWTH FACTOR. MACROPHAGES RELAEASE 1L-1, AND IF I'M NOT MISTAKEN CD4+ CELLS RELEASE IL-4 AND IL-5.
yes CD4 TH2 cells do release IL4 n IL5
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