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Full Version: after residency? - ulloo
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many of my friends are not getting job after completing residency and in that fellowship will be offered tonly to those who citizen or per resid of united states so option left will be to go back to our country after completing residency
what u wana say guys
be quiet
be quiet
be positive and try to motivate others rather than discourage......
be positive and try to motivate others rather than discourage......
a truck driver earns more than us here in usa whats the use of studyieng for years and getting 3-4k a month aven after completing resid no job guarentee I am not discouraging anybody
a truck driver earns more than us here in usa whats the use of studyieng for years and getting 3-4k a month aven after completing resid no job guarentee I am not discouraging anybody
If there is somebody who is unable to find a job after residency, it means they are lacking a serious skill necessary to be a doctor ... Statistically hundreds of recruiters line up with several good leads the moment you announce you are looking for job.

Statistics speak louder than rumors...
If there is somebody who is unable to find a job after residency, it means they are lacking a serious skill necessary to be a doctor ... Statistically hundreds of recruiters line up with several good leads the moment you announce you are looking for job.

Statistics speak louder than rumors...
I told I am not discouraging anybody I am just telling y cant we demand more itsnot the effort from 1 person it should be effort from all of us if we neglect this aspect than situation will be same as we all know doctors get less than what they deserve
whats the use of getting 99 ?
a truck driver makes 12-15000 a month he didt get 99
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