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Full Version: to admin - smart_doc
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we keep writing here but forget those behind the scenes.

this post is to thank admin for providing us such a nice platform to discuss our residency problems and even meeting people from all over the is this forum that not only helps share information but also emotions when we face problems with the match process.

i am grateful to USMLE FORUM for being with us at such a difficult time.

thank you.........USMLE FORUM
yup...very true...thanks!
yup...very true...thanks!
ditto, ditto. Smile

Thanks, admin!
ditto, ditto. Smile

Thanks, admin!
smartie,you need to be bar from seeing the forum for 4 days,considering your fat white lie.
smartie,you need to be bar from seeing the forum for 4 days,considering your fat white lie.
yeh thanks to admin
yeh thanks to admin