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Full Version: clash b/w CK and INTERVIEW .... what shall i do ? - blahtom
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i live in India.
my CK exam is on the 15th of January in India only.
i have applied for ERAS few weeks back.
till now i have not got any interview.


what if i get an interview in early jan or late december ??? what shall i do. i mistimed my exams and ERAS. can i do anything now IN CASE there is a clash. do i have to goto USA and give interview, come back and give CK and if i have another interview after jan 15th. goto USA again. has anyone faced this problem before ? pls help. i am freaking out thinking bout it.
First stop freaking out, there is a good solution for all problems.

Have you gotten any interviews????

I am no expert but I would take the CK and get it out of the way, it is important that you take and pass this exam. And be able to tell the programs this info.

If an interview comes up...,you wil cross that bridge when you get to it

I would get a second opinion.