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hi guys i really need help ..... i have failed my test once and now i'm having trouble getting back into books . the first time wheni preped i had taken live kaplan lectures and i did q bank ...usmleworld i did everything i could to pass the test i prayed like crazy but it all failed . the problem is i have other 4 cousins who passed with 90 and above . i feel really low and sad ...well basically a faliure and dont know what to do . i had 71 on my first attempt and now i dont know where to begin or how to begin ............please anyone out there in my shoes right now or just have any solution for me please please help me i think i'm lost and dont know how to start up again......Sad
I can understand your situation.Sometimes it happens that we study a lot and still don't get the result according to our expectations.Actually this exam is unpredictable.
Take a break for 2-3 days and then start studying.Get a nice study partner so that you get always motivated.Don't go low and start studying again.Hard work always pay off.
Start again with kaplan lecture notes and start doing questions,from whatever source you find.You will do great.
thanks ring ..... i am trying but i can't get back to my old self......
Hi soni, sorry to hear about it , when did you took your exam?
I took mine on oct 31st and have failed also, i am also going thru a lousy and depressive phase , want to start again but don't feel like studying again. i also took live kap lectures in newyork, did half of q bank , but nothing worked , i don't know how to begin now with a heavy heart , i'm sad :-( but still want to do it again .I am a mother of two kids ,i don't know how long will all this take , i'm still at the starting point.
hi i m in the same condition s u? fi toook my exam on 11th october abnd got result on i11th nov but still i m not able to read books again. donno why? i was very good in kaplan books i read single world of it,but it happened. but now i m thinking tto start it again with new joy and sure this time i will get 99.
similar situation..........took exam on 9thoct , got 74 ... i also did everything ........ i have start study again ..... ,i just tell u start with kaplan subj.wise Q, i also having prob. in reading thory first now... im doing q it working out.....iguess...
hi soni,.. hi nyle..:
im sorry for how you feel,.. but im sure you are gonna be fine,.. Wink
but its important for you to analize what was the obstacle the first time,.. in order to improve,..
how much time did you 2 study ??? (months?),..
hiiii every one thank you sharing ur experience ......i'm going to start from this monday and will pray again ..since i had given up lately b/c i was so upset with my score so stoped praying i mean i was too angry i cried for days but i think i'm doing much better ...... i'm going to start with kaplan , i will go over kapland one time and then do USMLEWORLD questions as i go through my mistakes ........ i hope yo uall too feel better . b/c there is no other option for us this is it and we have to stick to it.
i want to do usmle but how to start study for good score i dont know plz help me
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