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Full Version: interview at baylor........... - srik
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hey dochoc, was ur interview experience at baylor?i have heard that they call very few immigrants?was ur experience any different frm other interviews/
I dont think they call IMG's for IM,cos i have not seen any IMG near the baylor buiding in the past few days,only AMG's i suppose?i read in the previous posts by dr.Necker that they do call IMG'S.dont know how the interview is like,i have also applied there and not heard frm them.
I have also applied no response till date. Did anybody got rejections from them
hey masmn,any idea abt the program? i know its one of the top univ programs,but any idea if they call IMGs and ? is the interview like? do u know any residents there?
Baylor and IMG's?? they are probably not found within 3 miles diameter of Baylor..

And even if there are one or two here and there.. that maybe bc they have GCs with at least few years of USCE when they applied

hey choc9,i too have heard similar things abt baylor,but it seems after methodist seperated frm baylor,they have started interv IMGs,i am not really sure,anyways,just applied to baylor like many other good univ programs,dont know if they even send rejections or not.
There are IMG's at Baylor, traditionally about 4-5 per year.
necker,any idea abt the criteria they take in to consideration while inviting?? is the interview like? i mean not only in baylor,but any hi-fi univ based program,do they aks medical questions n talk abt case presentations? or the regular questions? just curious?
Rule of thumb...good programs do not ask medical questions. Programs that do ask medical questions usually do it because they don't want to teach you one thing, and expect that you already have a broad medical knowledge. I never heard anyone saying something about medical questions at Baylor, nor I been asked any at my interviews in university based programs. Also, I never heard anyone been asked to do a "case presentation"... anywhere! ..I don't know where do people start worrying about this issue. At most, some interviewer at some program might ask something like "tell me about an interesting case you saw"...which doesn't mean that you need to do a presentation!! It is just a casual conversation about a case that you had or witnessed and that left a strong impression in you.

Baylor criteria? you will need to direct that question to the impression is that they look someone with good scores (which doesn't mean 99/99), meaningful USCE with GOOD LORS (LORS are very important nowadays everywhere). That means: a WELL ROUNDED candidate.

To Hope27: I don't know if you expect that IMG to walk around with a sign hanging from their neck that says "IMG"..otherwise I don't know how are you expecting to recognize an IMG when he/she is walking around Baylor building. I am just curious. And, in fact, candidates do not put one single step at Baylor main building...they are taken to the different hospitals.

Good luck to all.
thanks necker for the detailed response,i have a couple of interv,some at univ programs n some comm progarms,all scheduled in january,so have got no idea or experience of interv but ur answers and responses 2 all the querries in the forum have been very helpful 2 me n i have a rough idea abt ? i can expect,thanks a lot for the grt job.
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