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over the past 4 years a 40 yr old woamn has had increasing episodes of loss of urine and difficulty emptying the bladder. she had no dysuria. she has a 30 yr hx of type 1 diabetes mellitus. she weighs 66 kg (145 lb) and is 175 cm (69) in tall. pelvic exam shows a moderate cystocele. post-voiding catherization yields 700 ml of clear urine. which of the following is the most likely cause of patients genitourinary sx?
a) carcinoma of bladder

b) detrusor instability

c) neurogenic bladder

d) urethral diverticulum

e) uterine prolapse
ans: c

diabetic neuropathy
yes it is neuropathy... u are right pingpongdr.. overflow incontinence..