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20. All of the following are clinical findings associated with primary hyperparathyroidism EXCEPT:
a. Peptic ulcer disease
b. Osteitis fibrosa cystica
c. Renal stones
d. Multiple endocrine Neoplasia Iib

c? ass with 2ndry hyperpara??
not C as calcium is high in primary and that will caouse renal stones
D.. if its..MEN II b
Ya if its IIB...then DDDDDDDDDDDD is the answer....
???????how to explain...A
Hypercalcemia stimulates gastrin release..xplaination for the peptic ulcer


also..has acute pacreatitis stimlatesPhospholipases in pancreas
the answer is B

Osteitis fibrosa cystica:occure in chronic hyperpara and also we see it in von recklinghausen disease of bone
what the answer here?
i just checke it and Osteitis fibrosa cystica does occure in primary
so i think B is wrong
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