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Full Version: Which hotel in Chicago gives discount for CS exam? - sanie
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I am asking about the hotels in Chicago which give discount for accomodation for CS exam.
t8535 West Higgins Road
Chicago, Illinois 60631
Phone: 1-773-693-4444
Fax: 1-773-693-3164
call in advance to get a $ rate50-60
Thanks jovana, always helpful.
the ramada inn also gives a 75 dollar discount, its close to the is the number 773 693 5800

5615 N. Cumberland Ave
Chicago, IL 60631

but which one is cheaper and better, the marriot or the ramada inn?
cud u tell me wch of the 2 is cheaper and after discount wht wud b the approximate price?
and hw far is ramada inn from th centre?
kindly answer
thnx in advance
ramada inn is like less then one minute away from the center if you take a shuttle from the hotel, which is free

well ramada inn was around 170 for me after the discounts, this is for a two night stay, i dont know how much is a one night stay
For Mariott at Higgens road YOU DON'T NEED A SHUTLLE , THE CSA BULIDING IS IN FROM OFF TH EHOTEL..please call the number that I provid efor you...
Hey Jovana, I phoned Mariotte and asked about the discount for usmle exam takers. They told me there is no discount for this group!!! I do not know.
To sanie
what about ramada inn .r they giving discount
hey sanie....that could be coz theres a cut off point...thats the trick with marriott..i had the same problem....i think u have to call like 3 wks before the exam date to get the discount...or maybe all the rooms that they had set aside are already taken....that cud've been another reason....

advantage of marriott is that theres a free breakfast u don't have to worry bou that....

i stayed at the Wyndham....its like 20 secs of shuttle ride....just make sure u give the right address....coz theres another wyndham that was like 10 mins away on West Higgins Road....

Anyway...i got a web special for $134....and if u become their member....which is free...they'll leave goodies in ur room and treat u like a princess....

Good lUCk...

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