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Full Version: MRI of eye muscles, damage to which muscle (ID) ca - eu_phoria
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damage to which muscle (ID) causes the eye to deviate inward and down?
superior oblique?
man we need jovana......where is she>
Jovana is Resting
Is Superior oblique and is inervated by....CN 4
Superior oblique, I agree
why not superior rectus, its action is intorsion and elevation of the eyeball and damage to its fibres will produce opposite effects i.e extorsion and depression. actions of superior oblique are intorsion and depression of the eyeball
superior oblique.
that's why the inferior oblique is unopposed.
damage to which muscle (ID) causes the eye to deviate inward and down.........
MIND IT: Q is DAMAGE to which muscle.........DAMAGE!
SO function is to deviate inward and down....So damage to this has to manifest its counter acting muscle prominently which is Supr Rectus!
So the answer is damge to Supr Rectus will lead to inward and downward rotation of eye.
Am I correct calmer!
Ooops eu_phoria......
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