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Full Version: NBME1 pulm - laura81
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examination of the lungs at autopsy shows nodular areas of chronic pneumonitis with necrotizing arteritis and focal collection of epithelioid histiocytes.The most likely diagnostic is.
A.desquamative interst. pneumonia
b.goodpasture sdr
c.histiocytosis X
d.idiopatic pulmonary fibrosis
e.pulm alveolary proteinosis
g.wegener granulomatosis
This is G. Wegnener granulomatosis.

Last night there was a post about this questions, but I couldn't find the last option. Now I am confident it should be G.

clue:necrotizing arteritis
I will go with G Wegener's granulomatosis
i agree is Wegener , but what would be the clinical scenario for the rest of the options?