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Full Version: genital elephatiasis - andyneurosurgery2008
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Male with penile and scrotum progessive enlargement over the past 3 months. He reffered have had bilateral immflamed lymph nodes in the inguinal region accompanied by a small ulcer over the inguinal nodes at the beggining.
He is the only affected male in the community. However, his female partner presented similar sx.
What is the agent?

A. Chlamydia trachomatis sertotypes D-K
B. Wuchereria bancrofti
C. Onchocerca vulvulus
D. Treponema pallidum
E. Leptospira interrogans
F. Chlamidya tracomatis serotypes L1-L3
think b
any more toughts?
A or F . I am not sure. Let us know the ans pls
This is a case of complicated lymphogranuloma venereum. Leschnyhan was almost corret. Lymphog. = L serotypes
D-K serotypes = STD, inclusion conjunctivitis and neonatal inclusion conjunctivitis/pneumonia
