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Full Version: anorexia nervosa - abrahem
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Which of the following endocrinologic abnormalities is typical of patients with anorexia nervosa?
A) Increased gonadotropin-releasing hormone levels
B) Depressed serum cortisol levels
C) Elevated thyroid stimulating hormone levels
D) Increased insulin-like growth factor levels
E) Increased growth hormone
Answer GnRH ---Increase FSH and LH -- increase estrogens ---menses ,BUT thos epeople usually hav eamenorhhea, so A is out , a ????????
Eleveted TSH level-not really, they are not hypothyroid..they can be hyperthyroid, so this C is out !!!!!!!
agree with jovana
increase dinsulin growth like factor in Liver ?????????????
I hav eto think on that ,OK???????
Now I was thinking that Growth hormon ean dinsulin like are kind of connected so , we can hav ethis too here..I guess their are out !!!!!!!!!!
Let think about the cortisol level ????????????
Pages: 1 2