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Full Version: doc-pt1 - quansar
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i agreew ith ishani's explanation.
Psychiatrist consult first to see if he is competent.
I think it should be 4,
as other things are not described his age etc and also with severe bleeding pt can't make right descions,This patient should be refered to pshyciatrist as he seems to be under depression committing suicide.He would have a treatable cancer as surgery was the choice of Treatment which he refused not any life threatening condition.
Allah a alam
if it is emergency and you dont have time for Psychiatriac consult treat them first
it is one of the rules to avoid the answers involving cort orders...they are not correct ussually
No he can't make decision due to depression so it should be what his family says first if his family says the same than go for 4.
I'll go for 1
I ll go with 1.. even you cant allow a person to commit suicide.
even with depressed pts who want to commit suicide-u can restrain them in the hospital for 48hrs
So the pt said do not treat me do not treat me do not treat me and you still end up treating him??

guys I am not holding the answer here I just want you guys to have a deeper impression so in the real exam you won't be wrong with similar type of q. Ok, I will be back later.
If the pt is competent, he has the right . If not, you don't need to listen to him. If no time to consult psychiatrist , treat him first. Intention to succide might be the hint that he is not competent.
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