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Full Version: doc-pt1 - quansar
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a guy commits sucide hitting his car to the pole. he was rushed to the ER and was bleeding very badly almost to death. in the ER, he refused any treatment and said "my life is complete and let me die". He was recently diagonosed with Cancer and he refused surgery to remove it.

As a doc, what you do

1. treat him
2. respect his wishes and not to treat
3 ask consent from family
4. get a court order
tricky q
i'll go with 2
doc-pt qs are all tricky. I was doing practice today and I got only about half of them correct. what a mess
even i have same problem. behavioural sceinces looks toughest to me esp those t-tests, anova etc.,i just dont understand where to use what. do u have any idea?
i think i'll go with a
as the 1st line says patient attempted suicide,so his mental condn is unstable
1. treat him.
Ok, what if this pt end up in the ER due to life threatening drug overdose, jumpping off the golden gate bridge or shooting himself. They all refused to be treated. what you do??
treat them
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