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Full Version: What's diffusing capacity? - drgoljan
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Diffusion =partial pressure diffeerence into diffusing capacity[alveolar diffusion]

Diffusing Capacity is determined by:

1. Surface area available for diffusion. Decreased in:

- Atelectesis (collapsed alveoli)

- Pulmonary embolism (blocked areas)

- Emphysima (degenerated tissue)

2. Distance. Increased in:

- Pulmonary edema.

3. Diffusion Coefficient. Affected mainly by solubility of the gas
What i did not understand is the mechanism it decreases where there is Anemia,degenration ,blockadge like emphysema,cystic fibrosis,atelectasis,
in polycythemia why will it increase ??? so is Chf and in intrapulmonar haemorrhage

ulise what did you say before ,carbon monoxide ,from where did it come from?????

The clinical test diffusing capacity of the lung (DL) most commonly uses carbon monoxide (CO) as the tracer gas for measurement because of its high affinity for binding to the hemoglobin molecule. This property allows a better measurement of pure diffusion, such that the movement of the CO is in essence only dependent on the properties of the diffusion barrier and the amount of hemoglobin.
hope it helps
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