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Full Version: lung q - quansar
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A 65 y old man presents with a productive cough and diffulty breathing. His sputum culture is positive for encapsulated gram-positive coci, which are often seen in pairs. The pt™s dyspnea is primariy due to:
1. inadequate perfusion
2. Inaddequate ventilation
3. increased airway resistance
4. increased lung compliance
5. poor oxygen diffusion

not sure
it is a good one.

1 is not correct
first what the pt has ???
Some Pneumonia due to what bacteria ???but dosent matter which one in this case...
So in Pneumonia we will have ??
I will answer in a few second ..wait OK ???
??5.poor oxygen diffusion
5 ???
Dyspnea refers to difficulty with breathing and can be due to :
Airway obstruction
Atelectasis ( collapse of the lung tissue )
Lung consolidations like pneumonia
Interstitial lung disease ( edema, pneumoconiosis, etc .)
Pleural effusions

Any cause of hypoxemia
Chest dysfunction

I will tell you in a few ok ???
No ventilation,
Perfusion OK, but produces an intrapulmonary shunt :
aspiration pneumonia, Atelectasis ,

Perfusion problem ,
Ventilation OK , but no perfusion produces an increase in dead space as in PULMONARY EMBOLUS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Diffusion of gas at the alveolar-capillary interface :
Interstitial fibrosis,
Scleroderma .
Problem is with the interstitial membrane

Answer is 2-INADEQUATE VENTILATION , so let say this fellow has Klebsiella, alcoholic and chock on the food and got aspiration pneumonia-
Eureka !!!!!!!!!!!!HA HA HE
I think it is S. Pneumonia- ---> bronchitis---> incresed sbutum production---> behaves as obstractive---> pssible increase airway resistance ( assuming since they have difficulty breathing out)
possible 3???
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