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Full Version: Anyone out there like me? - cloudy
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I want divorce from my husband.I am tired of his irreponsible money minded attitude. It's almost 7 years since we married and now i feel that i can't take it any more.I do not know if i am wrong or right.But i know how much energy,time,peace of mind i have lost in this marriage.My exam is 10 days from now and i am tired of this abusive relationship.He is such a liar who married me by saying that he was single while he stayed married for 11 years and kept on cheating on me.
He makes around 85000 a year but he says to me that all goes in taxes.He saved nothing,i do not have car to start with,i am in prison.While step one took out too much of my energy i have to literally beg him again and agin for things for my baby.
I just wanna run away or kill myself out of this depression .Day by day my anger ,disappointment ,frustration and dependence on him is leaving me no choice.Why this happened to me.Was i worth it.
He still in touch with his x and i feel betrayed,heart broken,full of hatred .I wanna file divorce but how where i will take my baby when i have no help around and three steps to take before i get into residency.I tried real hard for sake of my kid to save this marriage but this thing has killed me.
Anyone knows where should i go to file divorce,how to pay lawyer fees when i do not have any money and Job.
I know no one wanna reply.
Where do you live? in which country?

Concentrate on ur exam which is just 10days away ....u'll hv enough time to think abt such matters is never a cake walk......wait for ur turn....
i am sooo sorry for you
just push yourself once more for 10 days until you take the exam
the anxiety of the exam makes things in our life that are grey to become really BLACK.
Good luck in your life...wish you all the best.
Dont give up!
yes try to keep the patience for this 10 days and write the exam
others things later
yes the stress of this exam is such that it will really give depression in lots of matters related to it
have courage and patience
thats imp
u r going through rough phase in ur life, but this is not the time to think about ur husband,his lies/deception...Concentrate on ur exam first & do well..stop worrying.
I empathize with you totally. But, I do agree with others that you should not think about anything right now except your exams. Once you have good score everything will be fine. I know its easy to say but hard to follow. But, from what I read, you have been very very brave and very patient. So, just keep the same attitude for few more days...Always remember "Whatever happens happens for the best" You have a bright future ahead so just concentrate for few more days.

Good luck for your exams. Do your best. God is with you today and always.
You r a brave doctor, brave mom.................don't worry........all of us will pray for you.
God won't do injustice with keep going
Please concentrate for 11 more days........then think about it..................i am sure thousands of alternative ways are waiting for you sis.

All the best.
its ur testing tym.......if u wont overcome this all these days ur preparatn will go in vain n this will addd to ur alraedy worse positn think exam is the only light in ur life .......get involved much in to studies r get a study partner go to sm of ur frds home till ur exam but make sure u r free frm these worries.........dhr is nothing new that u need to study n learn coz by this tym u might hv done all that needed for its more imp for u keep ur self confident n brave to deal the dont regret dont curse ur life... after evry sad moment ull get a happy one....all the very best of luck to ur exam n leave thing except u n ur exam n ur baby ...its easy 2 tell but very tough to go through such i understand that.................. okay try ur best the very best n extraorinary performace...gudluck
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