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Full Version: The major cause(s) of Hydrops Fetalis include? - africa
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1. Turner syndrome
2.Trisomy 21
3.Trisomy 13
4.Trisomy 18
5.Rh hemolysis
6.ABO hemolysis
7.Homozygous a-thalassemia
8. Parvovirus B19
9. Cardiovascular disorders
10. Twin pregnancy (twin-twin transfusion syndrome)
11. All of the above
how many answer are possible? africa
if only one answer then 11) all
Hey sao.. let us twist this one... Answer is ONE but not 11... whats ur choice?
I mean only one answer for this question, if choice 11 not there, which one u pick from the rest?
one of them or all of them can be the possible answer. You decide? suggestion: recall: what HF was? then you will be able to answer. good luck
if its one best ans then homozygous alpha thal
I know 8 will definately be one of the causes.
Dr. Praju its nearly 2 AM in ur place.. go and sleep. u can practise tomorrow. Good night.
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