1. enzyme break down
2. transcription downregulation
3. decrease lipoprotein synthesis
4. hormone regulation
5. receptor downregulation
answer and why??
sorry, option 2 has typo
it should be transcription upregulation
sorry change ans its 222,transcription upregulation
3.fibratesexert their lipid lowering effect by activating the peroxismal proliferator activator receptor alfa(PRAR).fibrates derivatives useful for decreasing TG.they inc the action of lipoprotein lipase causing degradation of lipoprotein.
But fenofibrate mediates its effects in part via activation of the specific transcription factors ppar alpha.which control the transcription of many genesinvolve in the regulation of fatty acid and cholesterol.
222...upregulates trans of lip. lipase....u gave away the answer quansar...:
fido, yes I do.
2 is the correct answer, upregulation of transcription via PPAR-Alpha.
now who can tell me which famous drug activates PPAR-Gama???
pioglitazone,,,all the thiolidinediones