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A patient is brought to the emergency room following blunt abdominal injury.His vital signs are stable. He is passing grossly bloody urine and the IV pyelogram reveals minimal extra vasation on the left side and nonvisualization of the right kidney.the next step in the management of this patient should be
1) continued observation
2) retrograde pyelography
3) arteriography
4) bilateral renal exploration through the abdomen
5) right kidney exploration through a flank incision

4 or 5.........
nonvisualization is an indication of CT or arteriography...since there is no choice for CT...i will go for arteriography..3333333333
yes here is indication for ct ..but option is not given for the kidney even it broken in piceses except pudicle ..u have to observe ..answer is 1
i dont think thats do u know ...whether vascular pedicles are intact or not....there is no information...if u cant see the kidney...obviously no dye has of the reason is rupture pedicle or thrombosis.....
Fully agree with darkhorse.U can't wait untill u know its not vascular pedicle or shattered kidney or pelvicalyceal rupture or haemodynamic instability.CT is in order & since choice is not there angio is the next best step.Kindly recheck ur source.