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Full Version: An otherwise healthy 19-year-old woman comes - abrahem
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An otherwise healthy 19-year-old woman comes to clinic for a routine health check. She complains of episodic headaches as well as occasional palpitations. A blood-pressure check at that time reveals a pressure of 190/110 mm Hg. Physical examination reveals an abdominal bruit heard over the lower abdominal quadrants. Because the patient has previously had normal blood pressures and has no family history of hypertension, an extensive search for secondary causes of hypertension is undertaken. Magnetic resonance angiography confirms the suspicion of bilateral fibromuscular dysplasia. Which of the following antihypertensive agents, if used, should be used with the most utmost vigilance in this patient?
A. Amlodipine
B. Clonidine
C. Fosinopril
D. Hydrochlorothiazide
E. Metoprolol
although the picture somewhat looks like pheochromocytoma....MRI has nt shown it...and confirmed diagnosis of RAS has been made.....beta blockers would be contraindicated in pheo..not in RAS....i think
bilateral RAS,so CC
the correct answer is C
is it ACEI contraindication for b/l RAS???
C. Fosinopril