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Full Version: cardiac arrest - darkhorse
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You are a surgical resident and performing a supraclavicular node biopsy. Accidentally you punctured the subclavian vein.You tried to stop bleeding after some attempts successfully with compression after little strugle.The patient suddenly becomes hypotensive and developes a cardiac arrest.Apart from starting CPR, the most important other thing you would do is

1.put him in rt lateral position
2.trendelenburgh with left side down
3.reverse trendelenburgh with right side down not change any position
plz explain ur answers
not sure abt expl. sorry
3. A case of air embolism
looks like venous air embolism..... 1.put him in rt lateral position????.. positioning the patient in the left lateral decubitus position will help to keep air in the right atrium from entering the ventricle
superdoc..u r right about air embolism..very nice....but the answer is 2....u want air to go out of heart and not go to position is left side down and head down
kaplan surgery page 5///2004
i meant 2.trendelenburgh with left side down.....positioning the patient in the left lateral decubitus position will help to keep air in the right atrium from entering the ventricle
I got confused, thanks for the correction