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Full Version: nbme micro 5 - saonew
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A 62-year-old man develops numerous superficial blisters over the scalp, face, groin, and trunk. New lesions develop over areas subjected to minimal trauma. Biopsy of one of the lesions shows an intraepidermal blister with suprabasal acantholysis. Serologic studies are likely to show an autoantibody directed against which of the following?

A) Anchoring filaments

B) Basement membrane proteins

C) Desmosomal proteins

D) Hemidesmosomal proteins

E) Integrins


Saonew can you please specify qu is from which NBME form,I have not done with all forms
it attacks desmogleins
multivit, I dont know which one, I think it is a collection of Micro from all form
Sorry cant help
what is the diff between pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus vulgaris?
oooooops i mean pemphigus vulgaris and bullous pemphigoid?
oral lesions are more common with phemphigus,it is fetal than bullous
intraepidermal and subepidermal blister formation
Abs against desmoglein 3, autoabs against hemidesmosome
Great, how about acantholysis
Immunoflurescence pattern
netlike pattern of IgG bet epidermal and keratinocytes phemphigus

linear deposits of IgG at epidermal dermal junction
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