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Full Version: just recall........ - a_antibody
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A 61-year-old woman with chronic renal insufficiency due to long-standing diabetes mellitus comes to the office with a fever, cough, shaking chills, and fatigue. She has long-standing diabetes mellitus with her last hemoglobin A1C being 9.1%, BUN 51 mg/dL, and creatinine 2.1 mg/dL. A chest radiograph demonstrates a right lower lobe infiltrate. Oral antibiotics are prescribed for the patient. The most correct statement concerning a diabetic patient with an infectious process is:

A. Antimicrobial dosing must be adjusted due to decreased liver function

B. Antimicrobial dosing must be adjusted due to decreased renal function

C. Diabetics have the same epidemiology of pulmonary infections as non-diabetics

D. It is more common for diabetics to have lower lobe pneumonia when compared to non-diabetics

E. Oral antibiotics are not efficacious for treating pneumonia in diabetics
B is correct?
its b
Folks, B is reasonable but in this case EEEE is more likely : first, pte with pneumonia in presence of underlying condition like DM is considered complicated pneumonia which required intrahospital attention and starting with Iv antibiotic for 48hrs and then oral antibiotic if there is improvement.
WHAT about antibiotics excreated from bile acid but not from kidney?? then B won't be true.

e sounds all right
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