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Full Version: mosaicisim - dr_pk
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what does this means? whats diffenece bw somatic and germinal mosaicism if any kind soul can expalin this thanks
Mosaicism refers to a condition where an individual has two or more cell populations that differ in genetic makeup. This situation can affect any type of cell, including blood cells, gametes (egg and sperm cells), and skin.
Mosaicism may be detected through chromosome evaluation. It is usually described as a percentage of the cells examined. The normal chromosome finding in males is 46 XY and normal in females is 46 XX.
Examples of chromosomal mosaicism include:
Turner Syndrome Mosaic - a female with a certain percentage of the normal cell line (46, XX), plus another percentage of an abnormal cell line associated with Turner Syndrome (45, X).
Klinefelter Syndrome Mosaic - a male with a percentage of the normal cell line (46, XY), plus another percentage of an abnormal cell line associated with Klineflter Syndrome (47, XXY).
Down Syndrome Mosaic - a male with the normal cell line (46, XY), plus an abnormal cell line (47, XY, +21) or a female with the normal cell line (46, XX), plus an abnormal cell line (47, XX, +21). That is, in Down syndrome, the individual has an extra chromosome no. 21.

Somatic mosaicism Two or more genetic or cytogenetic cell lines within the cells of the body (may or may not include the germline cells)

Gonadal mosaicism, a state in which cells in a sector of a gonad are of a form not present in either parent, because of mutation in an intermediate progenitor of that sector
thanks alot envic GODBLESS YOU