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Hello guys:

I was away a long time from this forum, I wrote my exam on July 15, got my score on august 20.

Thanks everyone for your support to me during my study for the exam. if you have any questions, dont hesitate to ask me.

good luck

Hi Nervousman, May I call u CHAMP..... Wow your score is beyond comparison, Can u please tell me what your scores on the Q Book were, I am on my 2nd reading , left with only pharm,bio, neuro ,behav... and I am unable to get ,ore than 40-50% also I tried doing the kaplan full lenght and after 3 blocks saw my average to be 40%. Wanted to kill myself, Please advise me what I should do as I cannot afford to Fail.

You have always been very sharp in your answers. Well done my friend!!! What sources did you use? Did you have a lot of anatomy questions?
Just Me

Dude, I was wondering what happened to you!! Congrats man on such an awesome score. Guess like you said you knew about 40 of the questions per block. All the best w/ Step 2
the champ

I was just wondering why a 252 in step 1 is just a 98....never heard of any one without a 99 with scores over a 45..well seems like the exam is getting tough ..perhaps......


I was wondering when you get a chance could you please tell us a little bit about your experience, how you studied, what u used to study from (kaplan, brs....etc)..........just some of hte basic questions that might help others. Also, if you remember anything from your exam (question wise) - even breakdown of questions, that would be AWESOME!!!

Good luck to you for step 2 and once again Congrats to the max!!!!

Julienne - Julienne-909

Am I deaming or not. This test is the hardest i have ever seen. I studied BRS, Kaplan, Board stimulator. No jack pass score twice and the same score. Need advice. I am working full time; 8-5. no rest studing. During both try, i took only 7 days to review.
Julienne - Julienne-909

Am I deaming or not. This test is the hardest i have ever seen. I studied BRS, Kaplan, Board stimulator. No jack pass score twice and the same score. Need advice. I am working full time; 8-5. no rest studing. During both try, i took only 7 days to review.

Is it correct? You should be getting 99 with the 3-digit score of 252! Get a score recheck, man.

thanks for all your compliment. I used mostly Kaplan books, goljan, and HY for anatomy and neuro. I guess you have to read and understand the concept rather than straight memorization because on the exam, everything is clinical, you hardly find any what is that or what is this questions. You have to read hy for anatomy, that book is very good and i have like 15 anatomy questions, some are X rays, some are CT scans. Most of my questions are pathology, mixing with physio , micro and pharm. NOw for pharm, dont try to memory those trivial drugs, they ask you for the big one only. Please your their side effect and mechanism of action. DONT spend time on histo and embryo, they are very low yeild. DO know the Qbank, they are very similar in content and style. DONT waste time on other questions source ( well if you have time, do the BSS they are harder but they are helpful in explanation). DONT do EXAM MASTER, USMLE EASY, the board questions are not like that, those are too hard and too ambiguous. READ dr Goljan Review for patholog and listen to his audio. DONT try to memorize hundreds of pathology slides because u can answer them without looking at the slide. DO review the Kaplan books, but not the kaplan pathology, it is really bad, books are good are physio, pharm, biochem, and probably behaviral science.

My Qbank score is 82
NBME: 580 ( 1 month before the exam)
i spent 2 months prepare for it.

good luck and dont loose your focus, you will do well....keep your level of confidence high. When you write the exam, read the first and last sentence first and skim for the answer and see what in there because some questions has a lot of choices. Tthere will be an answer in there...........

good luck everybody and god bless you all.
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