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Full Version: disease and preventation 33 - a_antibody
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A 4-year-old girl is brought to the office by her mother because she is concerned about her
development. Her mother says that she can prepare her cereal and dress without help. You notice on
physical exam that she has low-set ears, but otherwise appears normal. You can only understand about
half of her speech and she knows only two colors. She can copy a circle and a cross, but not a square.
She is also easily able to balance on each foot for 5 seconds. The most appropriate next step in the
management of this child is to

A. reassure the mother than her child is developing normally
B. refer her to a development specialist for global developmental delay
C. refer her to a geneticist for chromosomal testing
D. refer her for a hearing test
E. refer her for vision test
D. refer her for a hearing test
dddddd is correct
why d?