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Full Version: paeds lor - rockyahuja
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i want to keep paeds as back up program and still i haven't send my paeds lors to eras...... if i'll send it today it will take sometime to upload so should i apply to paeds now or wait for lors to be uploaded.
please guide me
any suggestion will be appreciated.
without LORs if u don't get any interviews anyways money will be wasted.Send LORS quickly and apply with complete application.Once they throw away your application, will they take it out to read one new LOR?
Depends on your scores as well ...If they are too good and overall profile is good then it is worth giving it a try.
thankyou zinc for advice.
96/84/cs passed so any suggestion now?
just estimating that my lors will be uploaded round about 20sep so is it better to apply now or with lors.