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Aftre motor accident, patient brought into ER and X-ray reveals fracture of her left ninth and tenth ribs. She has rapid heart rate and low BP. Peirtoneal lavage reveals free blood in peritoneal cavaity. A surgeon is able to stop the bleeding by placing a clamp across which of the following structure?
A)Broad ligament
B)Falciform ligament
C)Gastrosplenic ligament
D)Hepatoduodenal ligament
E)Splenorenal ligament

It is E, this patient has ruptrued spleen. The splenic artery and vein reach the spleen by passin through renorenal ligament. A clamp across this ligament will stop the flow of blood to the spleen. Spleen lies under cover of the left ninth and tenth, eleven ribs, and rupture would cause bleeing into peritoneal cavity.
B. Hepatic artery