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CCS management of Elderly pregnant lady and Elderly with bruises ?
Can anyone please solve this CCS. My exam is soon
sexual abuse elderly

First check if pt stable, if not ABC
Then complete physical inc, pelvic and genitalia
rape kit- vaginal /cx swab for chlymadia, gonorrhea, trichomonas, RPR/ VDRL/dark filed microscopy,
Inv- U/A,cbc, bmp, ECG, Cxr, pap(?), HIV test, HBs Ag,
monitor interm p/e and vitals
admit ward
urine input /output
i/m penicillin
i/m ceftriaxone
diet as toelarted
psych consult
inform health dept , social services

lemme know if i am missing something

hope this helps.
Hey alexmozhi,

Why u did dark field microscopy?
We can add TSH, fobt, HBc, Dexa, mammo and then schedule for colonoscopy

We can add ca, vit D,

Safety plan

Anything else????