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41. During a routine examination, a 20-year-old man is found to have a firm, bilaterally enlarged thyroid gland and lymphadenopathy. His father died of thyroid cancer at the age of 40 years. Which of the following hormones is most likely associated with this patient's findings?
O B) ADH (vasopressin)
O C) Aldosterone
O D) Calcitonin
O E) Growth hormone
O F) G3-hCG
O G) Insulin
O H) Parathyroid hormone
O I) Thyroid-stimulating hormone
0 J) Thyroxine (T4)
Calcitonin this sounds like MEN syndromes...
but MEN deals with parathyroid right
yes its medullary ca
MEN II or III, medullary are calcitonin secreters and he has enlarged thryoid and h/o parent with thyroid cancer
MEN II a -Sipples -- MPP - Medulary Thyroid C, Parathyroid Hyperplasia, Pheochromocytoma

I would go with Calcitonin.....