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Full Version: That's it that is the end of IV'S - bluejeans
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With only 2 working days next week, and people going into holiday mood after that , this is the last day where there was a realistic chance of IV. I feel this year the same people got IV'S in double digits leaving many like me with single digit IV and poor prospect of matching

Please calm down. You will get slot when the prematch clears those with multiple application. It will open up soon.
lbe optimistic friend..people get ivs untill mid january, surely u will many more ivs......
After 1st NOv, I received rejections only, no IV
I got an IV today so it isnt over yet.Hang on !!!!
I received two ivs today one from Lenox Hill and other from Nasau University. in IM
hi dontloosehope!
from where u get iv 2 day congrats!