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Full Version: Remembed questions! this ones were not difficult! - bat21
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33) woman with burning chest pain of varoius hours, took antiacid no got better, 3mm elevation in EKG but no onther sign(I picked MI but theres was also GERD

While chest pain should not be taken lightly, here are some key differences to help you differentiate GERD from possible MI. Symptoms usually last for hours, while a heart attack generally lasts several minutes. H2 blockers or antacids will cure heartburn, while symptoms from a heart attack (like irregular heartbeat, pain, sweating and disorientation) will persist 15-20 minutes after taking the medication.

Chest pain associated with symptoms (GERD) may radiate vertically from the gut to the esophagus, but heart attacks often start beneath the right breast bone or on the left side of the chest and radiate along the length of the arms or from the chest to the back. You'll feel heartburn and acid reflux symptoms worsen if you're bending or lifting shortly after you've eaten, but with a heart attack, the smallest exertion makes you feel as though your heart may burst at any moment.

thanks...keep it up..
n GL
Any ideas for the Behavior q:
34) Mother go to your office with 14 y/o daughter, she do all the talking, what you do?
35) woman tell you, her husband say she have a drinking probblem(what you say to her?)
34) tell mother to leave the room and talk to daughter , bcs teenagers may be shy and may not want to say anything in the presence of mother.
I just did a question exactly like 33 and it was stable angina
cool thanks bat Smile all the best!
to iren: uw has a lot of q in cardiac, it emphasizes MI's pain is not chest pain is not MI , it is related to another organs like pericardia. ..i dont know the other options.
drcincin81 I dont remember very well, but I didnt see unstable angina there as an answer.....maybe was there!
33 ,shud be MI only as elevation on ecg (S-Tsegments),antacids no effect.
Can anyone explain this one?

35) woman tell you, her husband say she have a drinking probblem(what you say to her?)
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